Selected publications(Journal articles, patents and
Ye Fuxing, Cui Chong, Yang Xue, Wang Xibao and Nakata
Kazuhiro, Microstructures and propertiesof submicron structural WC-12Co coatings
deposited by HVOF, China Welding (EI)
Fuxing Ye, Shuhui Wu, and Akira
Ohmori, Microstructure and oxidation behavior of Cr39Ni7C cermet coatings
deposited by diamond jet spray process , Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,
Vol.17, No.5-6 (2008), P942-947. (2008). (SCI)
Fuxing Ye, Takuya Tsumura,
Kazuhiro Nakata and Akira Ohmori, Dependence of photocatalytic activity on the
compositions and photo-absorption of functional TiO2-Fe3O4 coatings deposited by
plasma spray, Materials Science and Engineering B. Vol.148, (2008), P154-161.
(IDS:306VP, ISI:000256276200036, EI:080711096453) (SCI)
Fuxing Ye, Akira
Ohmori, Takuya Tsumura, Kazuhiro Nakata and Changjiu Li, Microstructural
analysis and photocatalytic activity of plasma-sprayed titania-hydroxyapatite
coatings, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.16, No.5-6 (2007), P776-782.
(IDS:246XN, ISI:000252041800024, EI: 075210988075) (SCI)
Takuya Tsumura,
Fuxing Ye, Taichi Murakami, Hideo Nakajima and Kazuhiro Nakata, Prediction of
laser fusion zone profile of lotus-type porous metals by 3D heat transfer
analysis, Solid State Phenomena, Vol.127 (2007), P307-312. (IDS:BGE49,
ISI:00246323100050, EI: 080211010493) (SCI)
Fuxing Ye, Hidetoshi Fujii,
Takuya Tsumura and Kazuhiro Nakata, Friction stir welding of Inconel 600,
Journal of Materials Science, Vol.41 (2006), P5376-5379. (IDS:080PE,
ISI:000240259200047, EI: 063710104812) (SCI)
Changjiu Li, Guanjun
Yuyue Wang, Chengxin Li, Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori, Phase formation during
deposition of TiO2 coatings through high velocity oxy-fuel spraying, Materials
Transactions, Vol. 47, No.7, July, 2006, P1690-1696. (IDS:082GP,
ISI:000240375000014, EI: 063810118025) (SCI)
Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori and
Changjiu Li, Photoresponse and donor concentration of plasma sprayed TiO2 and
TiO2-ZnO electrodes, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.14, No.4 (2005),
P530-536. (IDS:994TS, ISI: ISI:000234054700014, EI: 06039652623) (SCI)